Friday, May 26, 2017

Moorish Raiders

Here, I will study Moorish Raiders in the context of 721-1000

The west lost Sicily, Andalucia, and many of it's cities were sacked by a bunch of Moorish raiders.

The raiders had their reversals however (most notable Tours).

Moorish raiders also conquered Malta and Crete (although they lost Crete ultimately, because it revolted). Moorish pirates also sacked Thessalonica, MonteCasino and Marseilles. Then there was the quasi-sack of Rome in 846.

It was from 827-961 that Crete was taken over by Andalusian exiles.

For a while, there were even "mountain Moors" who established a fortress for decades in Europe. Arabian raider may also have sacked Pisa in 1004. The Moors may also have sacked Pamplona in 924.

The noted Moorish general Almanzor sacked Barcelona according to wikipedia. Rather than re-take northern Spain; he sacked some of their cities; such as Santiago and Leon.

One thing you'll notice about Moorish raiders is how haphazard they were. They had major conquests (such as Sicily), but major botches (such as Toulouse, and perhaps, their raids of Sardinia). I wonder why that is.

It's possible that raiders, privateers are useful not despite but because their they are haphazard. If they win; it's a win. If they lose, all you've lost is a bunch of brigands. Although raids were often government backed; the Mulsim-world by 721 was already becoming too large to generalize.

Either way, a threat is established, and bandits are given their busywork.

I'd still like to know why the west fought curiously well against the Moorish Raiders in the context of 721-814 (Odo to Charlemagne)

In the 10th century the Moors had a notable fortress in Provence called Fraxinet. But they were defeated by William 1 of Provence at the battle of Tourtour in 973.

The Moors were expelled in 1525 from Spain.

The Moriscoes (Christian Moors, or those deemed as false converts) were expelled in 1614.

I think some of those who fled went to the Maghreb or even the Ottoman Empire.
Republic of Sale

Was a short lived republic during the 1600s in modern day Morrocco; perhaps a side effect of the expulsion of Moors and Moriscoes from Spain.

Indeed, it may have had a Dutch Admiral and President Jan Janszoon (AKA Murad Reis)

In 1625 they may have sacked a Cornish town (though admittedly I don't have a respectable reference for that)


In 700 Arabs captured the Italian island of Pantelleria. In 1553 the Turks got it.

The Arabs had malta but I think the Normans got it back.

Saracen raiders even established a threat to Lazio (latium), and sacked the Abbey of Farfa.

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