Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Top 50 philosophers in history

1. Thomas Jefferson
2. Noam Chomsky
3. Joseph Campbell
4. Ben Franklin
5. Edmund Burke
6. Viktor Frankl
7. Baltasar Gracian
8. Sun tzu
9. Epicurus
10. Epictetus
11. Buddha
12. Pythagoras-quite notable as a philosopher as well as a mathematician and astronomer.
13. Aristotle
14. Socrates
15. Lao-tzu
16. Diogenes
17.   Voltaire
18. Willliam James- American psychologist and philosopher
19.  Ramana Maharshi- Hindu sage...
20. John Stuart Mill
21. Sophocles
22.  Ralph Waldo Emerson
23. Seneca the younger 
24. Confucius
25. Musashi Miyamoto
26. John Taylor Gatto 
27. Edward Gibbon

28.   Ibn Taymiyyah
29. Will Durant-US historian and philosopher
30. Mahavira- A founder of Jainism
31.Bertrand Russell
32. Plutarch
33. Boddhidharma-  Chinese zen philosopher who trained Shaolin monks according to legend
34. Zeno of Citium- Founder of stoic thought
35. John Dewey- Another American educator
36.  Samuel Johnson
37.  Gore Vidal
38. Montesquieu
39.   Diderot
40.  Pierre Gassendi
41.   Zhuangzi
42. Al-Farabi- Perhaps the most notable philosopher to come out of the Islamicate
43.  Eckheart Tolle
44.  Jordan Peterson
45.  Tacitus
46.   Thucydides
47.  Swami Vivekananda
48. Peter Drucker
49.  Albert Ellis
50.  Henry Maslow


Ibn Battuta- More of a scholar and traveler than a philosopher....

Poets such as Rumi and Hafez and Charles Bukowski.

You can read quotes by all these philosophers and intellectuals at:

OTHER: Those in the field of self improvement such as Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Steve Pavlina, Brian Tracy,  and Elliott Hulse, Og Mandino, James Allen, (who wrote as a Man thinketh) Earl Nightingale, Jack Canfield, Napoleon Hill, Jocko Willink and stuff.   Also Leo (of

Tim Ferris and his noted book "Tools of Titans" is also worth a read.

Religious Texts:  The Vedas, the Zoroastrian Avesta

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