Thursday, December 8, 2011

I am starting my blog

This is my blog where I post some crap.  This is my first day blogging, and I am going to discuss a variety of topics such as history, politics, entertainment, proverbs, and so on and so forth.  I am also open to requests for people who need help with their lives.   This is also my journal, where I will discuss my boring life, not because anybody cares but so I have a journal.

My credentials are that I am unemployed and mooch off of people in this regard.   Today, I went shopping and bought some food in Denton, Texas.  I used to hate this city (because I hate UNT) and will probably hate it again.  But it isn't the brutal struggle that Austin Texas traffic is.  In fact, that will be the title of my next blog entry:   AUSTIN THE OVERRATED.

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