Friday, May 26, 2017

Notes on the Reconquista

722- Battle of Covadonga, the Asturias rebellion in Northern Spain beats Moorish raiders.

Pelayo of Asturias thus goes on to found the Kingdom of Asturias

759-Formation of the Cordoba Caliphate as a devoluted and independent entity from the Arabian empire.

798- The Asturias kingdom sacks Lisbon

1000- Almanzor (most notable leader of the Cordoba Caliphate) defeats Castille at the Battle of Cervera.

1031- Fall of the Cordoba Caliphate; basically falls as a result of infighting.

Devolutes in to smaller kingdoms known as "Taifas"

1057-1099- Career of El Cid

1248- Castille sattelizes the Moorish kingdom of Grenada.

1249-1255- Portugal captures the Algarve from the Moors, and then moves it's capital to Lisbon, thus the Portuguese reconquista is complete.

1340- Battle of Río Salado- Morrocco tries to help outGrenada. Morrocco loses.

1386- Portugal allies with England as per the treaty of Windsor

1415- Portuguese conquest of Cueta (Morrocco)

1492- Spanish annexation of Grenada.

Rebellion of the Alpujarras (1499–1501)-

Rebellion of the Alpujarras (1568–71)- Moriscoe (Christian Moor) revolt against Castille.

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