Saturday, December 7, 2019

Why Texas is a pretentious piece of shit

This, here, is to "debunk" Texas, that pretentious pile of shit.

A:  Red state

B:  Gets too much credit relative even to the south (not just northern California.....)

C:  Dallas is better than most parts of Texas; and is still a glorified shopping center (albet with some nice museums.)

D:  The weather

E:  Pretentious

F:  Austin is overrated (the cultural capital is more like Houston)


You know what the greatest thing about the death penalty in Texas?  Few Texans!


They really do live the Ayn Rand gospel of rugged individualism: Which is why Texas ranks first in percentage of uninsured children, fourtth in percentage of children living in poverty, first in percentage of population uninsured, first in percentage of non-elderly uninsured, 49th in percent of low Income population covered by Medicaid, 48th in percent of population with employer-based healthcare, 49th in per capita spending on Medicaid, and fourth in percent living below the poverty level. Oh, and Texas is almost always first in executions. Lovely state.

But corporations there aren’t required to be quite so responsible for themselves: Which is why Texas ranks first in 1st in carbon dioxide emissions, volatile organic compounds released into the air, amount of toxic chemicals released into the water, amount of recognized cancer causing carcinogens released into the air, and amount of hazardous waste generated. And Texas keeps trying to export this philosophy to the rest of us!

Texas. It’s very proud of being the largest state in the contiguous United States, and seems to cultivate in its inhabitants a habit of constant self-congratulation that is almost as irritating as the constant self-congratulation of New York City dwellers. Its history is grim, having been settled by Americans while it was still part of Mexico as a place where they could keep slaves, despite the fact that slavery was already illegal in Mexico. It fought for and got its independence, but then turned to the United States to annex it 10 years later to protect it from further war with Mexico… and 15 years after that, showed its gratitude by joining the Confederacy in the Civil War.
Of course it has oil, and a great seaport, and Johnson Space Center, and many other valuable things; but it’s either hot and dry or hot and humid depending on where you are, and it is one of the most regressive states in the Union. Its efforts to suppress abortion—a civil right—have been unrelenting, and its state school board is notorious for insisting on alternative interpretations of American history in their school books, including downplaying Jefferson because he wasn’t a proper Christian, and suggesting that slavery wasn’t all that bad.
None of this would be that unusual (Mississippi is equally regressive; Florida is equally hot and humid) if it weren’t for the attitude. Even their anti-littering signs have the tone of a cheap bully:

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